Star Words

On the first Sunday in January we have a tradition that is now a few years old (does it get to be a tradition if it is only a few years old?) of selecting a star word to guide us through the year. We don’t get to choose the word exactly, they are face down and we allow for the one with the right “stuff” to call to us. These are available throughout the rest of the month for those who missed the January 5 Sunday Gathering, but if you are an online only person, or would rather not do this in front of others, please check out this online star word generator to have one selected for you .

The idea is to put the word somewhere you will see it throughout the year, and be in relationship with the word as the meaning grows and changes for you. For some, the word will chafe at certain times, or reveal some deeper truths. For some it will affirm a core value and for others it will float along like a pesky gnat all year, winding it’s way into view at inconvenient times.

If you want a deeper dive, check out our 2025 Star Words Guide which gives reflective prompts for each month of the year.

If you are looking for a more fulsome description of the practice of Star Words, check out A Sanctified Art