July 2024

July is when Rev. Ingrid takes her holidays and for the first time in Weird Church history (since 2018!), we are keeping Sunday Gatherings going through the month. Each week a team of volunteers will take a small piece of the work to ensure we can come together as community to learn and grow together.

Ingrid always says it takes a community to run a community and this is a perfect opportunity to lend a hand and take part in this awesome community!

Descriptions of volunteer opportunities are listed below, plus a sign up sheet! Please see the updated volunteer sheet below before you sign up, and let us know if you have another idea :)

RESOURCES for Service

Looking for the service outline? Please use this template - simply download it and add/change to suit your needs.

Set up instructions and tech instructions can be found here and in the storage closet at church.

Sunday Coordinator

Behind the scenes VIP! The Sunday Coordinator will be the point person for their Sunday, ensuring that the rest of the volunteers have what they need. They will email all of the volunteers for that week to remind folks of what they signed up for. This person could be someone who typically joins us online or in person and Ingrid will ensure you have contact info for everyone.


The host with the most, you are up front from the beginning, holding the “container” of the service, so to speak. Parts of the service include welcome, land acknowledgement, announcements, community conversation facilitation, closing words and blessing.


This volunteer is bringing the music! Whether you are a musician who wants to share or someone who loves other people’s music and wants to play recorded songs that they love for the community or a combo of the two, you are welcome to sign up for this role. This includes planning/preparing for three songs during the service (opening, middle, and closing) plus a little before and after service sounds.


This volunteer will lead the Opening Prayer and Community Prayers during the service. Ingrid has pre-written examples that you are welcome to use, or you can write your own or include words from other writers and/or poets you love. Remember that we seek to use fully inclusive language (for example, Ingrid refers to God as “they”) and draw on many understandings and traditions.


Do you have a story, book, poem, article, video, experience or something else that has meant a lot to you that you would like to share with the community? Please do! This sharing will be the jumping off point for the Community Conversation time. Some ideas include: a children’s picture book, 20 pics and a story from your trip to Paraguay, a short story you wrote last summer…


For the technically inclined, this volunteer will set up and put away cameras and laptops, get the sound working, let folks into the zoom room, and monitor the chat as needed throughout the service to support other volunteers. (don’t worry, we have detailed instructions for this!)

Set up/Clean up

One or two people to arrive early and make sure the church is open and get things set up and then put away at the end. Includes getting tea and/or water ready, and the Creativity Corner and Community Connection stations set up, and all of it put away at the end of church.

(don’t worry, we have detailed instructions for this too!)

KISS Sunday Sign up form