As a Cycling Without Age program launches in Cumberland, come and enjoy this beautiful film about getting outside, no matter where one is on life’s journey. It follows John, a retired teacher, and his merry group of volunteers as they use pedal-powered rickshaws to give adventure and joy to those who have lost the ability to pedal themselves.
A little bit about Cycling Without Age; it is an accessible cycling program that started in Copenhagen in 2012 which has grown internationally, beginning in Canada in 2016. The program in Cumberland will offer free community rides with a volunteer 'Pilot' on a pedal-assisted trishaw bike to seniors and their families, and those with impaired mobility. Our goal is to promote social connection and wellness through the simple act of a bike ride.
Doors open at 6:30, entrance by donation (Bring cash for popcorn and snacks).
Movie starts at 7pm
Please reach out if you would like to volunteer!