What’s Next?
Please fill in the form below if you are interested in exploring something new.
Weird Church Truth & Reconciliation Team Book Study: “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer
Tuesdays @ 6:30pm on Zoom
February 2: Section 1, Planting Sweetgrass (pp.3-59)
February 9: Section 2, Tending Sweetgrass (pp. 64-117)
February 16: Section 3, Picking Sweetgrass (pp. 121-204)
February 23: Section 4, Braiding Sweetgrass (pp. 205-302)
March 2: Section 5, Burning Sweetgrass (pp. 303-379)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 848 7295 9558
Passcode: 632162
June 2020 Book Study: The Path of Centering prayer
For the 5 Mondays in June, we will meet online for one hour: 7-8 pm. The first 30 minutes we will be taking time to discuss portions of Frenette’s book, and the second 30 minutes we will practice a different element of centering prayer together.
To participate, please register below - any questions please email info@weirdchurchcumberland.com